Philips and Elekta Settle Non-Competition Issue

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 16 Apr 2001
A resolution has been announced regarding a non-compete agreement on radiation therapy planning systems between Philips Medical Systems (Best, The Netherlands) and Elekta Oncology Systems Ltd. (Crawley, UK). Elekta has given Philips a release from the agreement insofar as the products of Adac Laboratories are concerned.

In 1997, when Philips sold its linear accelerator business to Elekta, the two companies signed a non-compete agreement that included radiation therapy products. The later acquisition of Adac, with its Pinnacle radiation therapy planning systems, appeared to violate the agreement. Now, the two companies have agreed that Philips can continue its sales of these Adac products.

Adac's radiation therapy planning products comprise dedicated systems and software to help oncologists in planning, delivering, and evaluating radiation treatments for cancer patients. The systems offer 3-D volumetric image processing and dose computation, enabling doctors to plan the application of high-energy radiation to precisely targeted areas.

Related Links:
Philips Medical Systems

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