3DR Laboratories and Visage Imaging Sign Agreement To Provide Advanced 3D Imaging and Visualization Systems

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 18 Oct 2007
3DR Laboratories, LLC (Louisville, KY, USA), and Visage Imaging, Inc. (Carlsbad, CA, USA), a wholly owned subsidiary of Mercury Computer Systems, Inc., signed an agreement to provide advanced reading and post-processing services to healthcare organizations and hospitals.

3DR Laboratories will integrate Visage Imaging's Visage CS Thin Client/Server and Visage picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) Server into its product range in to provide internal and remote advanced two-dimensional (2D) and 3D capabilities and services to healthcare enterprise customers.

According to Robert L. Falk, M.D., founder and medical director of 3DR Laboratories, "In a time when hospitals are looking to save money and improve care, Visage Imaging and 3DR Laboratories have created a way to do both. Together, our combined technologies will free hospitals and radiology centers to outsource 3D reconstructions of CT [computed tomography] and MRI [magnetic resonance imaging] scans while still allowing staff the ability to further manipulate and distribute studies off of any PC [personal computer] platform. This approach virtually eliminates the need for costly, onsite, ‘Fat' workstations.”

Visage Imaging's visualization systems are capable of processing and managing the ever-increasing amounts of 2D, 3D, and even 4D data, thus optimizing image quality and the diagnostic workflow. The Visage CS Thin Client/Server and Visage PACS features sophisticated tools for 2D, 3D, and 4D image interpretation, post-processing, and distribution that are not bound to specific workstations, but become available directly within the PACS workflow anywhere in the hospital enterprise or via the Internet and WAN (Wide Area Network). Thus, medical imaging data can be accessed throughout the hospital network and also from external clients via a secure connection.

"3DR brings to the market a much-needed service that allows healthcare enterprises that do not have the infrastructure to roll out 3D internally to take advantage of leading-edge technology and improve clinical care using remote collaboration and services,” said Marcelo Lima, president of Visage Imaging. "This unique approach opens significant opportunities to capitalize on the ever-increasing amount of data being processed.”

3DR Laboratories is a medical imaging service company providing image processing on an outsourced basis. By utilizing the Mercury Visage product line, 3DR Laboratories provides outsourced 3D post-processing systems on a fully functioning thin client platform workstation from any PC with an Internet connection.

Related Links:
3DR Laboratories
Visage Imaging

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