CellaVision Acquires Major U.S. Competitor

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 10 Aug 2001
CellaVision AB (Lund, Sweden; www.cellavision.com) has made a strategic acquisition by purchasing its major U.S. competitor, Triangle Imaging, Inc. (TII), formerly known as Intelligent Medical Imaging Inc. (IMI). TII was until now CellaVision's leading competitor in the digital analysis of white blood cells. TII was acquired from Triangle Biomedical Sciences Inc. (Durham, NC, USA). The acquisition was made through CellaVision's subsidiary, CellaVision Inc., which will now have its base in Jupiter, Florida, where TII is based.

The acquisition will give CellaVision direct access to TII's automated microscope MICRO21, including technology, inventory, existing customers, and also a detailed market analysis of potential customers in the U.S. market. The MICRO21 is an instrument functionally similar to CellaVision's DiffMaster but with a more advanced slide handling system, making it well suited for larger laboratories. DiffMaster locates, identifies, and preclassifies blood cells by means of automatic microscopy and advanced image processing.

According to CellaVision, the establishment of a wholly owned subsidiary in the United States will facilitate and accelerate the process of establishing American partnerships. "The experience of TII combined with the advanced software engineering competence of CellaVision will definitely be a winning concept,” said Yvonne Martensson, CEO of CellaVision AB.

CellaVision >> www.cellavision.com

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