Respironics to Acquire Novametrix for $90 Million

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 20 Dec 2001
In a move that will complement its line of respiratory products, Respironics, Inc. (Pittsburgh, PA, USA) has agreed to acquire Novametrix Medical Systems, Inc. (Wallingford, CT, USA) in a stock-for-stock transaction valued at about US$90 million. The combined revenues of the two companies for the last twelve months were around $490 million.

Novametrix develops and markets noninvasive products for cardiorespiratory monitoring. These include electronic medical sensors and monitors that provide continuous measurements of cardiac output, carbon dioxide, oxygen saturation, and respiratory mechanics parameters. The company's noninvasive technology is designed to avoid the complications associated with invasive monitoring, such as infections.

Respironics develops and markets therapeutic devices for respiratory disorders, including sleep disordered breathing, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, allergies, infant jaundice and apnea, heart failure, and restrictive lung disorders.

"The noninvasive monitoring technologies of Novametrix blend well with Respironics' hospital therapeutic product offerings, positioning our company to create a total system of patient ventilation management,” said James W. Liken, President and CEO of Respironics.

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