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CT Scanner Receives Design Award

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 08 Jan 2003
A small spiral computed tomography (CT) system has received the 2002 Design Award of the Federal Republic of Germany, for its successful synthesis of design and function. The award is made every two years by the German Design Council on behalf of the Ministry for Economics and Technology.

The award winner, called Somatom Smile, is designed to meet the needs of private radiology practices and small clinics in countries such as China, the nations of Southeast Asia, and Brazil. The system combines modern CT technology with patient and user-friendly operation. An interactive user-training program on CD ROM is supplied with the system. The CD uses the language of the respective country (Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, English) to clearly describe all functions.

The system's maintenance program is based on an easy self-service system. In the event of technical problems, the system uses an intelligent self-test to identify and specify defective parts. The color and number code of the module as well as additional ordering information are shown on the screen so the user can order the replacement module directly from the manufacturer. The CD also illustrates how to replace components when they arrive.

The system was developed as an international project and is being manufactured by Siemens Shanghai Medical Equipment (SSME) in China, part of Siemens Medical Solutions (Erlangen, Germany). Syngo, the user interface of all Siemens medical systems, helps to simplify operation of the system.

Related Links:
Siemens Medical

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