Kodak to Acquire Lumisys
By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 20 Nov 2000
In a move that will round out its computed radiography (CR) portfolio, Eastman Kodak Company (Rochester, NY, USA); ) has agreed to acquire Lumisys, Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA, USA); ) for around US$39 million in cash. As part of the agreement, Kodak will also acquire Lumisys' subsidiary, AuntMinnie.com, a radiology portal on the Internet. Lumisys will become a subsidiary of Kodak, and AuntMinnie.com will remain a subsidiary of Lumisys. Posted on 20 Nov 2000
Lumisys is an important producer of desktop CR systems and x-ray film digitizers. The acquisition will enable Kodak to market the company's desktop ACR-2000 system, thereby increasing its CR portfolio to three systems. Furthermore, the acquisition of the Lumiscan Film Digitizer will enable Kodak to provide a more complete set of choices to customers as they make the transition to digital imaging.
" Lumisys has made great strides in developing novel, value-driven imaging technology; however, the company has now reached the stage where the resources of a large company with broad distribution are pivotal to its products' success,” noted Dr. Bala Manian,
chairman and acting CEO of Lumisys.
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