Macromoltek Offers Computational De Novo Antibody Design Targeting COVID-19

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 10 Apr 2020
Macromoltek, Inc. (Austin, TX, USA), a computational de novo drug design company that rapidly produces antibody designs, has announced computational de novo design capability to speed up the development of human monoclonal antibodies for the potential treatment of COVID-19.

Macromoltek is a pioneer in computational de novo design of antibodies, the proteins produced in an immune response by the body to fight off pathogens like bacteria and viruses. Over the last 10 years, the company has built a highly accurate computational platform, which has been successfully applied in a number of commercial and research projects. The platform generates de novo antibody designs using an automated process of structural modeling and machine learning.


Traditional in vivo methods test for the likelihood of producing an antibody that triggers the body's immune system to fight against pathogens. Also, scaling up an in silico project is faster, simpler and easier than traditional drug design programs. In silico techniques can be developed and delivered remotely, and do not require the on-site presence needed for traditional wet labs.
"As we face a global onslaught from COVID-19, computational de novo design techniques will lead the charge for rapid design iterations and faster drug development," said Monica Berrondo, CEO of Macromoltek. "The longer it takes to develop effective therapeutics, the worse the impact on society."

Related Links:
Macromoltek, Inc.

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