UV-C Light Kills SARS-CoV-2 Virus Within Seconds of Exposure in Lab Study
By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 23 Jun 2020
A UV-C lighting technology developed by Signify (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) has proven to be effective in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus in research studies.Posted on 23 Jun 2020
In tests conducted by Signify, together with the National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories (NEIDL) at Boston University (Boston, MA, USA), the SARS-CoV-2 virus could no longer be detected after seconds of exposure to UV-C light sources. During their research, the scientists treated inoculated material with different doses of UV-C radiation coming from a Signify light source and assessed the inactivation capacity under various conditions. The team applied a dose of 5mJ/cm2, resulting in a reduction of the SARS-CoV-2 virus of 99% in six seconds. Based on the data, it was determined that a dose of 22mJ/cm2 will result in a reduction of 99.9999% in 25 seconds.
Image: UV-C Light Kills SARS-CoV-2 Virus Within Seconds of Exposure in Lab Study (Photo courtesy of Signify)
I’m very happy about the fruitful cooperation with Boston University in the fight against the coronavirus. Boston University has validated the effectiveness of our light sources as a preventive measure for companies and institutions as they seek ways to provide virus-free environments,” said Eric Rondolat, CEO of Signify. “Given the potential of the technology to aid the fight against the coronavirus, Signify will not keep the technology for its exclusive use but make it available to other lighting companies. To service the growing need for disinfection we will increase our production capacity multifold in the coming months.”
“Our test results show that above a specific dose of UV-C radiation, viruses were completely inactivated: in a matter of seconds we could no longer detect any virus,” said Dr. Anthony Griffiths, Associate Professor of Microbiology at Boston University School of Medicine. “We’re very excited about these findings and hope that this will accelerate the development of products that can help limit the spread of COVID-19.”
Related Links:
Boston University