Portable Air Filters Effectively Remove SARS-CoV-2 Particles from Hospital Air in COVID-19 Surge Units
Posted on 04 Nov 2021
In the world’s first live study, researchers have demonstrated that using a combination of science and engineering, COVID-19 aerosols and other microbial bioaerosols can be removed from the environment.
The study by researchers at Addenbrooke’s Hospital (Cambridge, UK) confirmed the efficacy of MAXVAC’s (Zurich, Switzerland) Medi 10 range of COVID busting mobile air purifiers. The theory behind the science was accepted, that the Medi successfully traps & kills the COVID virus, but up until very recently, no published trials had been carried out with COVID itself (just lookalike viruses).

The key to the success of the Medi has been a combination of science and engineering. The science was to refine a sequence of filters and UV-C light that could trap and kill the virus. This was achieved with the development of high flow Alpaire HEPA filters and advanced Steribreeze UV-C technology to clean air fast. The engineering was to put this science in an effective compact and secure mobile unit that was easy to use and capable of maintaining the cleaning of very high volumes of air fast. High airflow rates are very important so that the recommended air change scan be achieved, and more air is cleaned of the virus.
“We have worked closely with a number of hospitals, universities, schools & councils in the past two years and are thrilled that our Medi units have received yet another endorsement especially from such a prestigious research hospital as Addenbrookes,” said Neil Parsons, MAXVAC UK representative. Our goal at MAXVAC remains to continue to find solutions to make our working & living environments safer, and the Medi’s are part of that journey.”
Related Links:
Addenbrooke’s Hospital