Muscle Stimulator Treats Female Urinary Incontinence
By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 19 Mar 2012
A novel muscle stimulator helps strengthen pelvic floor muscles for treatment of female urinary incontinence.Posted on 19 Mar 2012
The InTone device is an electric stimulator with a pressure sensor that combines the benefits of gentle muscle stimulation with voice-guided instruction and visual biofeedback to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and treat unwanted bladder leakage. The device is made from phthalate free, latex free, medical grade silicone to ensure patient comfort, with a revolutionary patented design that helps arrive at a perfect fit by inflation, and does not need to be size-adjusted.
Image: The InTone electric stimulator (Photo courtesy of InControl Medical).
A physician customizes the settings for the InTone device and the patient is then shown how to use it at home; a sensor in the unit measures pressure to determine if the patient is doing the exercises properly, and a biofeedback unit uses voice-guided instruction to take the patient through the routine and report muscle isolation and strength. Each daily session takes about ten minutes, and data from each session is recorded. After two weeks, the physician analyzes the recorded data and adjusts the device based on the patient's progress, and the at-home treatment sessions continue.
Most patients should experience progress in a few weeks, and most patients should experience effective relief in 90 days. The InTone device is a product of InControl Medical (Brookfield, WI, USA), and has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
“InTone is a true medical breakthrough, and welcome news for the millions of women who have incontinence issues,” said Herschel "Buzz" Peddicord, President and CEO of InControl Medical, and inventor of InTone. “With InTone, we believe we can effectively treat this condition in most cases.”
Related Links:
InControl Medical