Next Gen Digital Colposcope with AI Capabilities Redefines Cervical Cancer Screening

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 10 May 2023

Cervical cancer ranks as the 4th most common cancer among women globally. With over 300,000 women succumbing to cervical cancer annually, prompt follow-up and receiving immediate results at the point of care could be transformative. Now, an AI-powered digital mobile colposcope offers a screening alternative to the existing standard of care for cervical cancer, boasting significantly enhanced accuracy and speed – delivering results in under a minute.

MobileODT’s (Tel Aviv, Israel) EVAPro introduces the latest digital advancement in cervical cancer screening, improving the patient-physician experience. The next-gen EVAPro digital colposcope is lightweight and portable, offering exceptional image quality and advanced software capabilities. This unique combination enables physicians to document and monitor the entire treatment process and store it on the cloud. EVAPro-produced images are self-illuminating, enabling clearer image capture. Image assessment features a green filter to evaluate abnormal vessels and other landmarks or lesions. With autofocus, each image is assessed for multiple factors: cervix presence, illumination, cervix position, and image focus. Image-guided technology and ML allow image quality assessment, notifying the clinician that the image is suitable for visual inspection or colposcopic evaluation.

Image: The EVAPro next gen digital colposcope is redefining cervical examination (Photo courtesy of MobileODT)

EVAPro employs AI and Machine Learning (ML) for large-scale cervical cancer screening. VisualCheck, an AI-based computer-aided diagnostic tool, operates on the EVAPro digital colposcope and evaluates the risk of dysplasia at the point of care. VisualCheck compares images captured during an exam with thousands of prior exams annotated by leading experts and histology results, predicting their classification. The algorithm is designed to recognize and identify CIN2+ based on data from 17 different countries. Clinical evaluation of VisualCheck reveals consistent agreement rates between VisualCheck scores and expert panels across three separate locations. VisualCheck is the only computer-aided diagnostic tool that evaluates the likelihood of cervical dysplasia, offering hope to women without direct access to specialists.

In addition to hosting the VisualCheck algorithm, the EVAPro digital colposcope provides various advanced features to support colposcopy. Fully portable and Wi-Fi enabled, EVAPro allows for instant consultation, either within the hospital or globally, while captured images can be uploaded and shared remotely. These images can be annotated for precise consultation by specialists in other locations. Consulting physicians can view the biopsy's real-time location and timing. For practitioners in remote or resource-limited areas, this can mean the difference between rapid diagnosis and treatment or a lengthy delay between testing and treatment. Furthermore, the system can be easily integrated into medical records, offering a visual record of an exam and a historical record useful for clinicians seeing the same patient in the future.

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