ECG Vest Allows For Non-Intrusive, Non-Invasive Heart Monitoring

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 04 Jan 2024

An arrhythmia, an irregular heartbeat, can lead to serious health issues like blood clots, stroke, and heart failure. Traditional methods for monitoring such arrhythmia, like the Holter monitor, have limitations in terms of wearability and duration, typically offering only a 24- or 48-hour observation window. More long-term solutions tend to be invasive, requiring anesthesia for insertion. Now, an ECG monitoring system integrated into a T-shirt can accurately and non-invasively monitor the patient’s heart for weeks or months.

PA Consulting (London, UK) has developed Viscero, a revolutionary approach to ECG monitoring that integrates sensory technology seamlessly into a vest, allowing for effortless capture and transmission of diagnostic-quality data. The system positions dry electrodes in peripheral locations away from the chest, ensuring constant compression points for accurate readings. The brain behind Viscero, similar in size to a matchbox, conveniently fits into a pocket on the T-shirt. This allows for easy removal for recharging purposes or when the T-shirt needs washing. Additionally, Viscero is equipped with an onboard accelerometer and gyroscope, enriching the heart signal data with contextual information about the wearer's physical activities preceding an arrhythmic event.

Image: The Viscero ECG monitoring system is integrated seamlessly into clothes (Photo courtesy of PA Consulting)

This comprehensive data is accessible to healthcare professionals through an AI-enhanced dashboard that categorizes recordings into potential arrhythmic episodes, facilitating efficient review by cardiologists and significantly reducing the time spent analyzing ECG recordings. Patients can also engage with their healthcare providers through a dedicated app, enhancing communication and monitoring efficiency. Distinct from consumer devices that offer ECG recording, Viscero provides high-fidelity, continuous monitoring over extended periods, capable of spanning weeks or months. This innovation marks a significant leap in wearable healthcare technology, presenting a practical, non-invasive solution for long-term heart monitoring.

Related Links:
PA Consulting

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