Aviation Safety Training Adapted for Hospitals

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 07 Aug 2001
Aviation-based safety training is now being used in hospitals to train doctors and staff how to communicate better, perform better in high-stress, time-critical emergency situations, and use fatigue countermeasures to perform at or near peak levels even during the most demanding shifts.

Crew Training International (CTI, Memphis, TN, USA) is now offering this training, called Dynamic Outcomes Management, to hospitals. The company recently signed a contract to provide such training to more than 1,400 employees of Saint Francis Hospital (also in Memphis). The hospital has received an Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) grant through the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation to reduce medication errors. CTI pilots conduct the training. CTI is also providing the training to several other hospitals.

"At Saint Francis, patient safety is our first commitment,” said Judy Wurstner, director of surgical services at Saint Francis. "CTI's Dynamic Outcomes Management training platform is perfectly in line with the goals our management has established for patient safety and other initiatives currently underway.”

Related Links:
Crew Training International

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