PACS Replacement Designed for Legacy Systems in Hospitals with Aging Systems

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 24 Jun 2008
Hospitals and radiology departments with older picture archiving and communications systems (PACS) are challenged with performing and competing in the marketplace due to ever-increasing study volumes, image sizes, and advanced visualization requirements. A new replacement system provides disaster recovery, advanced visualization, and enterprise-wide image distribution to augment current PACS functionality in addition to gradual data transfer that prepares the site for future migration.

For institutions with existing PACS contracts, Philips Healthcare's (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) replacement program also offers many of the same benefits that current Philips' iSite PACS customers' experience, while preparing facilities for a smooth transition well in advance. iSite Enterprise enables efficient image distribution with advanced visualization capabilities to referring physicians throughout the enterprise, resulting in a simplified process that may increase physician satisfaction and clinical insight to help improve overall patient care. Advanced data transfer reduces the typically lengthy migration timeframe post-contract expiration.

Related Links:
Philips Healthcare

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