Remote Blood Pressure Measurement Helps Monitor Clinical trials

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 13 Jan 2010
An innovative blood pressure (BP) telemonitoring and telemedicine device helps health care providers both study and treat patients with chronic heart failure (CHF), diabetes, cancer, and hypertension.

The Tele-monitoring Self Measured Blood Pressure (T-SMBP) device allows for direct capture and remote collection of blood pressure data from a subject's home, and uploading it onto a potential study website. Alert notification can be provided based upon predetermined protocol parameters and ranges. By using the system, a possible reduction in the number of study subjects can be achieved, based on the greater statistical power associated with the use of multiple self-measurement. This offers the potential of evaluating treatment effect within the first two weeks of a study, which is highly predictive of longer-term effects of treatment. Using T-SMBP also contributes to improved patient compliance, resulting in time and cost savings.

Other benefits of implementing T-SMBP include the electronic capture of BP data, which removes transcription errors; a reduction in the number of office visits required by the subject; and real-time access to the subjects' BP data via the study web portal, which allows for an alert criteria process and real-time views of data trends and treatment effects. The T-SMBP system is under development by Medifacts International (Rockville, MD, USA), and is currently undergoing clinical trials.

"We are seeing a very positive reaction to our proactive approach regarding technologies, study designs and timetables. It's important to our clients that we be innovative and driven toward more effective solutions,” said Michael Woehler, president and CEO of Medifacts International. "Our commitment to serve our clients' needs continues to pay dividends as we advance our position as one of the top global companies providing cardiovascular safety solutions.”

Related Links:

Medifacts International

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