Single-Use Needle with Suction Launched at MEDICA Trade Show
By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 13 Nov 2017
Single Use Surgical (Cardiff, UK), a manufacturer of single-use fine surgical suctions, will be unveiling a pioneering single-use Diathermy Abbey Needle with Suction at MEDICA 2017. The device improves visibility at the surgical site during submucosal diathermy (SMD), turbinectomy and breast surgery, thereby helping surgeons improve the performance and outcomes during the procedures.Posted on 13 Nov 2017
Single Use Surgical focuses on identifying difficult-to-clean surgical equipment and offering high quality, alternative single-use solutions. The company produces sterile and efficient instruments, which reduce the risk of cross-contamination, and has developed a wide range of specialist single-use suctions capturing the same look, feel and functionality as the reusable equivalent.
Image: The single-use Diathermy Abbey Needle with Suction is designed to improve visibility at the surgical site during breast surgery (Photo courtesy of Single Use Surgical).
Unlike most other disposable instruments made out of aluminum, the company’s products are manufactured using stainless steel tubes and cater to various specialties including ENT, head and neck, gynecology, laparoscopy, general and vascular surgery.
Over 5,000 exhibitors from 68 countries will be presenting new products at MEDICA, the world's leading medical trade fair taking place in Düsseldorf, Germany, from November 13 to 16, 2017. Among them will be Single Use Surgical showcasing its single-use Diathermy Abbey Needle with Suction.
“The launch of this pioneering device means there is no need for separate suction. This prevents crowding the surgical site in smaller, harder-to-reach areas,” said Michael Denver, Export Manager. “It also offers targeted and effective smoke extraction and being single-use, means it reduces the risks associated with cross-contamination and unintentional patient burns from damaged insulation.”
Related Links:
Single Use Surgical