Huntleigh Healthcare Showcases Obstetrics Products and Software Systems at MEDICA 2019
By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 18 Nov 2019
Huntleigh Healthcare (Cardiff, UK) showcased its full range of obstetrics products and software systems, including handheld fetal Dopplers, CTG fetal monitors (including FM830Encore) and maternity CTG viewing, archiving & analysis (Dawes-Redman) software at MEDICA 2019, which took place from 18-21 November in Düsseldorf, Germany. Posted on 18 Nov 2019
The MEDICA is the world's largest medical trade fair for medical technology, electromedical equipment, laboratory equipment, diagnostics and pharmaceuticals. More than 5,000 exhibitors from 70 countries presented their newest products and ideas at MEDICA which also drew 120,000 trade visitors from over 170 countries.
Image: Sonicaid FM800 Encore (Photo courtesy of Huntleigh Healthcare)
Huntleigh provides innovative solutions in vascular care, fetal and patient monitoring that assist clinicians in improving outcomes and enhancing patient well-being. At MEDICA 2019, Huntleigh showcased its wide range of Sonicaid handheld fetal Dopplers, including the SR2/SR3 waterproof digital Dopplers, SRX digital Doppler with interchangeable probe, D920/D930 waterproof audio Dopplers, one rate display 2MHz Doppler, MD200 desktop Doppler, FD1/FD3 2 & 3MHz waterproof Dopplers and FD2 rate display Doppler.
Among Huntleigh’s CTG fetal monitors exhibited at this year’s MEDICA was the Sonicaid FM830 Encore acute fetal/maternal monitor. The Sonicaid FM830 Encore is a high performance fetal and maternal intrapartum monitor that is designed to provide flexible solutions for high-risk fetal and maternal assessment. It uses today’s most advanced technology to produce the most accurate acquisition of data for clinician decision support, and gives accuracy and clarity in every situation, whether standard fetal monitoring or specialist, high-risk care. Designed for close monitoring of the mother as well as the fetus, the Sonicaid FM830 Encore is a fully integrated system which allows the simultaneous monitoring of maternal ECG, pulse oximetery and blood pressure without the need for additional standalone devices.
At this year’s MEDICA, Huntleigh also highlighted its maternity CTG viewing, archiving & analysis (Dawes-Redman) software. The unique software tool provides a numeric analysis of the CTG trace and a robust interpretation based on the world-renowned Dawes-Redman Criteria. Dawes-Redman Analysis is a powerful aid to pregnancy management and has the potential to avoid poor outcomes. With results in as little as 10 minutes it can speed up the time taken to perform CTGs.
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Huntleigh Healthcare