Infusion System Compatible with MR Scanning
By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 29 Oct 2003
New software is specially designed to enable doctors and nurses to program weight-based dose parameters into the infusion pump of patients undergoing magnetic resonance (MR) scanning procedures, which automatically calculates and displays the real-time required flow rate of intravenous medication. Posted on 29 Oct 2003
The software eliminates the need to manually calculate infusion flow rates and enables the administration of an automatic bolus of medication. Users have the ability to program flow rates in any infusion mode as an extra safety precaution. The infusion system, called Continuum, is the only infusion system compatible with the MR environment, states Medrad, Inc. (Indianola, PA, USA), which developed both the system and the software. The system is designed to solve the longstanding problem of managing MR patients on infusion therapy. Patient without this system would either have to be removed from the medication or remain connected to a non-MR compatible infusion pump outside the scanner room by up to 30 feet of tubing.
Medrad also offers other MR accessories, including the Spectris Solaris MR injection system; a line of MR surface coils; endorectal coils for imaging the prostate, colon, and cervix; a vital signs patient monitor; and the MusicBox sound system.
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