Software for Integrated Cardiology System
By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 05 Sep 2000
A suite of products providing a comprehensive, open-architecture cardiology system has been launched that combines workflow management, cardiology outcomes, and integration of information into a single, patient-centered record. Called the Pyramis Cardiology System, the suite is available from Spacelabs Medical, Inc. (Redmond, WA, USA).Posted on 05 Sep 2000
The suite comprises software modules for four applications. One application is a Data Repository, a comprehensive system that can archive and access cardiology data and images, such as ECG, stress, Holter, and nuclear cardiology. A second application is a Cardiology Management System, which automates the process of managing ECG, stress, and Holter records. A third application is the Outcomes Reporting System, a documentation system with reporting and analysis capabilities. The fourth application is the Intesys Gateway, a standard interface engine that allows integration of legacy and best-of-class systems.
"Instead of the current sequential process, ECG reports may now be reviewed simultaneously and thereby acted upon in a more timely manner,” said Glenn Isensee, vice president of technology at Spacelabs Burdick. "Because the system also integrates legacy systems, we are helping our customers to protect--and indeed to maximize--their investment in other cardiology equipment.”
Related Links:
Spacelabs Medical Inc.