Imaging Technique Shows Bone Strength
By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 07 Nov 2005
According to research published online in October 2005 in the Journal of Bone Mineral Research, scientists have developed a laser imaging technique that can more completely evaluate the strength of bones, a method the investigators hope can be utilized to predict the likelihood of young women developing osteoporosis in later life. Posted on 07 Nov 2005
Dr. Edward Draper of Imperial College London (UK; and lead researcher, commented, "Traditionally, the only way to predict bone strength has been through x-rays, but these can only measure part of the strength of the bone. Using this new technique we can get a more complete measurement, allowing us to predict better the risk of fractures as a result of osteoporosis.”
The new Raman spectroscopic technique allows scientists to measure the collagen, which also affects bone strength by eliminating the spectral components of overlying tissues. The scientists plan to develop this work into a test for women during adolescence to predict the likelihood of osteoporosis developing in later life. By taking steps earlier on, such as increasing exercise to buildup bone mass, this could prevent the need for more interventions such as Risedronate (Actonel) later on.
Dr. Draper added, "We hope we can further develop this technique, and use it as part of a national screening program, which hopefully could be done in any GP's [general practitioner] surgery. By identifying the risk of any problems developing early enough, this could not only make an enormous difference to the health of individuals, but could help the NHS [UK National Health Service] by negating the need for more extreme and costly interventions later.”
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Imperial College London