Smart Pillbox Enhances Medication Adherence

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 03 Aug 2018
A smart pillbox provides a stress-free disease management solution for people struggling with the rigors of maintaining a daily medication routine.

The Qualife (Hong Kong) CYCO smart pillbox is an innovative medication device and accompanying smartphone application that uses simple information input (drug name, frequency, and dosage) to automatically generate a weekly dose schedule. The circular design of the pillbox is optimized for a hand twisting motion, with dual sensor technology ensuring the lid turns and opens to the correct compartment every time, and that pills and capsules are poured out at the correct dosage for each medication.

Image: A smart pillbox lessens the struggle of effectively controlling daily medication consumption (Photo courtesy of Qualife).

A light emitting diode (LED) indicator and sound alert indicate the correct compartment to turn when it's time for medication, with pitch frequency and LED brightness optimized for young or old users. Sound alerts ring in circumstances of overdose or wrong dosage. The accompanying CYCO mobile app provides additional reminders, wrong dosage, and overdose alerts, real-time monitoring by 3rd party trackers, medication performance tracking, and health tips. An add-on 7-slot exchangeable compartment allows flexibility in fitting the user's medication pattern.

“The CYCO incorporates an innovative, intelligent app that calculates the user's medication information inputs and creates an accurate dose schedule, enabling them to sort their medication with ease,” said Ivan Wan, founder of Qualife. “The CYCO integrates a dual sensor system with visual and audio aids, ensuring that the correct pills are consumed at the appropriate time by the user.”

Medication adherence involves getting prescriptions filled, remembering to take medication on time, and understanding the directions. Common barriers to medication adherence include inability to pay for drugs, disbelief that the treatment is necessary or helping, difficulty maintaining multiple and complex dosing schedules, and confusion about how and when to take the medication. Poor adherence can interfere with the ability to treat many diseases, leading to greater complications from the illness and a lower quality of life for patients.

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