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Remote Pulse Oximeter Monitor Patients at Home

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 04 Feb 2021
A fingertip pulse oximetry (SpO2) adapter expands virtual home examination and diagnosis telehealth capabilities.

The Tyto Care (Netanya, Israel) Pulse Oximeter is a finger device that connects by cable to the TytoCare, a hand-held telehealth system that enables comprehensive physical examinations of the heart, skin, ears, throat, abdomen, as well as lungs and body temperature to be completed from afar. TytoCare facilitates live video medical examinations; provides a cloud-based data repository with analytics; and uses built-in guidance technology and machine learning algorithms to ensure accuracy and ease of use for patients and useful insights for healthcare providers.

Image: The TytoCare hand-held telehealth system (Photo courtesy of Tyto Care)
Image: The TytoCare hand-held telehealth system (Photo courtesy of Tyto Care)

During the SpO2 exam, users are prompted to place their finger in the adapter for 15 seconds. Upon completion, blood oxygen and heart rate results appear immediately on the screen of the SpO2 adaptor and the TytoCare device itself, recorded for subsequent review by the clinician, and sent to the patients' electronic health record (EHR). The clinician can see the results immediately in the TytoCare Clinician Dashboard, and can assess the reliability of the results recorded by viewing the heart rhythm graph generated during the exam.

“The COVID-19 pandemic thrust telehealth into the spotlight, and we are constantly enhancing the TytoCare platform to ensure users have access to the most comprehensive telehealth solution available,” said Dedi Gilad, CEO and Co-Founder of Tyto Care. “The pandemic will eventually be behind us, yet telehealth will remain a key component in the future of healthcare, providing patients with the best possible remote care and clinicians with actionable insights into their patients' health.”

The TytoCare device comes with a built-in exam camera and basal thermometer, together with a range of adaptors that include an otoscope for ear examinations, a stethoscope (with volume, bell, and diaphragm filters) adaptor for auscultation of the heart and lungs, a tongue depressor adaptor, and ear buds. It also includes the TytoApp for conducting live video telehealth exams, reviewing them, and communicating with physicians.

Related Links:
Tyto Care

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