Blood Pressure System Cleared by FDA

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 14 Nov 2000
A system that measures blood pressure, heart rate, pulse pressure, body surface area, body mass index, and arterial elasticity as early diagnostic indicators of cardiovascular disease has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Called the CVProfiler, the noninvasive system is intended for use in a doctor's office to measure blood pressure, utilizing patented blood pressure waveform analysis technology, and other parameters that point to heart disease. The display screen and printer-generated cardiovascular profile report provide an assessment of the patient's arterial elasticity or flexibility of both large and small arteries.

Clinical investigators have demonstrated that an age-related loss of elasticity of both the large and small arteries correlates with hardening of the arteries and vascular disease. Thus, premature stiffening of patient arteries can be a clinically sensitive marker for the early onset of cardiovascular disease. The CVProfiler was developed by Hypertension Diagnostics, Inc. (St. Paul, MN, USA).

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