Vedalab Presents Innovative Reagents and Instruments at MEDICA 2022
Posted on 13 Oct 2022
Vedalab (Cerisé, France) is presenting its innovative range of reagents and instruments at this year's MEDICA, the world's largest annual medical technology trade fair, which is taking place from 14-17 November in Düsseldorf, Germany.
Visitors to Vedalab’s booth at MEDICA 2022 can experience EASY READER+, a POC immunoassay analyzer that allows quantitative measurements from fingerprick whole blood samples using rapid lateral flow tests. Vedalab is showcasing a range of quantitative rapid tests for EASY READER+, such as the D-Dimer immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of D-DIMER in whole blood or plasma, alongside the CRP (laboratory version) immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of C-reactive protein in whole blood, serum or plasma.

Among the qualitative rapid tests for EASY READER+ being showcased at the event by Vedalab are the Combo Influenza A+B immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of influenza type A and B virus from nasal or throat swab, nasal aspirate and nasopharyngeal washes; and the RSV immunochromatographic rapid test for the qualitative detection of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) in the respiratory tract.
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