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First Mobile Diagnostic System Performs Instant Lab Quality Blood Analysis Anywhere

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 25 Aug 2023

Presently, the complete blood count (CBC) is one of the most frequently recommended diagnostic tests to evaluate an individual's overall health by measuring factors like oxygen-transporting red blood cells, infection-combating white blood cells, and blood-coagulating platelets. However, there are issues with CBC testing such as patient expenses, accessibility, and time consumption. Patients require a referral, followed by scheduling a nurse appointment for blood collection. This is followed by waiting in the clinic, and sometimes waiting for hours or days after the blood draw to obtain the results. Moreover, a substantial portion of the global population lacks access to proper diagnostics due to distance from clinics or financial constraints. Now, a groundbreaking diagnostic system is making waves in the point of care (POC) setting, offering the first mobile technology for instant blood analysis beyond the confines of a lab. This innovation has the potential to bring lab tests within reach of millions worldwide.

The REVDX from EFA Technologies (Caesarea, Israel) is a portable lab-quality device that incorporates advanced multi-channel technology. This handheld device can be used anywhere, eliminating the need for time-consuming preparations or specialized knowledge. It is mobile, portable, and handheld, capable of functioning without electricity or internet connectivity, while also being cost-effective. At present, the device can conduct a blood count, with plans for additional tests in the future. A simple finger prick is all that's required, eliminating the need to visit a lab and delivering results in just minutes. The device aims to empower doctors and medical teams in diverse scenarios to make informed treatment decisions promptly, bypassing the wait time for blood tests and their subsequent results. The REVDX is user-friendly, operating via a finger prick and independent of elaborate lab conditions or specific preparations.

Image: The REVDX portable device aims to make basic blood tests results accessible to anyone, anywhere (Photo courtesy of EFA Technologies)
Image: The REVDX portable device aims to make basic blood tests results accessible to anyone, anywhere (Photo courtesy of EFA Technologies)

In patients with fever, the most critical test to conduct is a CBC. These results can assist in administering antibiotics for suspected bacterial infections, avoiding unwarranted antibiotic use in viral infections, and identifying parasitic infections like malaria. Presently, most labs provide CBC results within 24 to 72 hours, with a significant time lapse during test transportation. The absence of real-time blood count data contributes to antibiotic overuse, which exacerbates antimicrobial resistance (AMR). REVDX has the capability to conduct automated microscopy tests, encompassing full blood sampling and immediate full blood count diagnosis. Physicians can utilize REVDX to make real-time, informed judgments about the likelihood of a bacterial infection, curtailing unnecessary antibiotic use. This positions REVDX as an indispensable device for every point of need across the world.

Related Links:
EFA Technologies 

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