Cryotherapy Effective for Prostate Cancer

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 23 Mar 2005
Cryotherapy has been shown to be effective for the treatment of prostate cancer, particularly as an option for patients who have previously received radiation therapy but have seen their cancer return.

A pioneer in the use of cryotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer is Dr. Aaron Katz, associate professor of clinical urology, Columbia Medical Center (New York, NY, USA). Dr. Katz has recently completed his 50th prostate cancer case utilizing the minimally invasive 17-gauge IceRods. The needles were developed by Oncura (Philadelphia, PA, USA).

"My decision to adopt Oncura's IceRods has been vindicated by the excellent results I've seen to date; clinical outcomes remain excellent, and the overall side effects are extremely low,” stated Dr. Katz.

Since 1997, Dr. Katz has treated more than 400 patients with cryotherapy. He is noted for his experience in using cryotherapy as an option for patients who have previously received radiation therapy but have unfortunately seen their cancer return. His experience with this group of patients has made him an authority on the subject, treating patients from around the world. He is also called upon by doctors from Europe and the United States to train them in the use of cryotherapy.

"The therapeutic properties of the 17-gauge IceRods are exactly what I needed to enhance the clinical approach I've developed when treating prostate cancer with cryotherapy,” explained Dr. Katz. "The minimally invasive approach of the 17-gauge needle, especially the IceRod, is a true advance in the technology of cryotherapy and has had a positive impact on patient care.”

Related Links:
Columbia Medical Center

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