Improved CO2 Insufflator Assists Virtual Colonoscopy

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 09 Dec 2008
A new carbon dioxide (CO2) insufflator used in the early detection and diagnosis of colorectal cancer via a computerized tomography (CT) virtual colonoscopy offers improved safety and higher patient comfort.

The Vimap CO2 insufflator allows automatic or manual insufflation modes for high-risk patients, with an automatic regulated progression that maintains continuous insufflation. The maximum insufflation velocity can be adjusted from one to three liters per minute. CO2 pressure is adjustable from 5 to 25 mm Hg in automatic mode and up to 35 mm Hg in manual mode, and is electronically controlled and relieved if it exceeds by just one mm Hg the preset pressure value. A regulator attached to the gas cylinder itself ensures a maximum entry pressure of one bar, while at the same time monitoring the level of CO2 left in the cylinder. The CO2 is delivered by the use of a single-use catheter that offers a smooth, comfortable, and automated colon insufflation. The Vimap CO2 insufflator is manufactured by GE Medical Systems (Cedex, France).

Virtual Colonoscopy is becoming increasingly accepted as a screening method for colorectal cancer, and in many settings, it is the technique of choice for complete examination of the colon after a failed or incomplete colonoscopy. In the past, physicians generally distended the colon using room air introduced with a handheld insufflation device, but CO2 is preferred, since it is readily absorbed by the bowel.

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GE Medical Systems

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