Novel Implant Preserves Knee Ligaments
By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 04 Aug 2014
A new total knee replacement (TKR) system enables the natural function of the ligaments of the knee to be preserved.Posted on 04 Aug 2014
The Vanguard XP TKR system consists of a femoral component made of Co-Cr-Mo, two styles of tibial trays/plates with a locking bar, and dual bearings machined from polyethylene infused with vitamin E (E1 poly), a new class of bearings that overcomes limitations of annealed polyethylene by uniting true oxidative stability, high mechanical strength, and ultra-low wear. The system is intended for bicruciate preserving TKR, which allows both the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) to maintain their function.
Image: The Vanguard XP TKR system (Photo courtesy of Biomet).
The system includes a modified, asymmetric femoral component to allow the ACL and PCL to maintain stability inherent. A unique feature is that the condyles on the tibia are asymmetric in articulation; while the lateral side is slightly convex, allowing the femur to roll off the back of the knee (if it requires that for flexion), the medial side is more concave. The asymmetry is also present in left and right knees, with each side supplied with unique and independent bearings. The Vanguard XP TKR system is a product of Biomet (Warsaw, IN, USA), and has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
“I think bicruciate systems are going to be a growing trend. I know that most of the other companies have looked at this space or have current, active projects in this space. We’re fortunate enough to get there first with our particular design,” said Todd Davis, general manager and vice president of global knees at Biomet. “Obviously, personalization has been a trend. You see that with signature guides and patient-specific guides. I think that will continue to grow, and I think there will be a good application for Vanguard XP to use personalized implementation technology.”
“When a patient comes in with a torn ACL or PCL, most orthopedic surgeons recommend surgery to repair the ligament because of its importance to the natural function of the knee,” said William Bryan, MD, an orthopedic surgeon specializing in sports medicine and TKR. “The ligaments provide stability for the joint and increase the patient’s ability to perform complex movements, such as dancing, gardening or golfing. This new knee implant dramatically changes the patient experience with total knee replacements.”
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