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Barco Implements Six Sigma Methodology

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 11 May 2004
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The implementation of Six Sigma methodology has been announced by Barco (Kortrijk, Belgium) for the continuous improvement of business processes in its BarcoView division.

Six Sigma is a proven management methodology geared toward improving business processes. The process is focused entirely on the customer and handles a structured, data-driven approach to manage processes, quantify problems, and reduce costs. The Sigma Six methodology can be applied to any business process, including accounting, development, manufacturing, sales, and marketing.

"Technologies, products, and production processes are gradually becoming more complex. Applying the same business methods over and over again means getting stuck. Before that happens, we want to shift into a higher gear and drastically change our approach. By following the Six Sigma methodology, we will be able to establish a permanent change in culture and continuously improve our business processes. At the same time, Six Sigma will make our customers successful by helping them to realize their key performance indicators, stated Luc Vandenbroucke, president of BarcoView.

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