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User-Centered BP Monitor Provides Accurate 24-Hour Readings

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 30 Mar 2016
Print article
The Oscar 2 with SphygmoCor Inside technology
The Oscar 2 with SphygmoCor Inside technology (Photo courtesy of SunTech Medical)
A novel ambulatory blood pressure monitor (ABPM) provides noninvasive measures of central arterial blood pressure waveforms, central aortic blood pressures, and arterial stiffness indices.

The Oscar 2 with SphygmoCor Inside technology is a light, compact monitor that uses motion tolerant algorithms and auto-intelligent inflation to reduce re-inflates and failed readings. The paired Orbit BP cuff, which uses an innovative stretch-sleeve design to maintain cuff placement and promote patient comfort, allows for noninvasive assessment of the central arterial pressure waveform and arterial stiffness, with a transfer function.

The predictive superiority of central arterial pressure waveform analysis using SphygmoCor Inside technology over standard brachial blood pressure is primarily due to the closer proximity of the ascending aorta to important target organs such as the heart, brain, and kidney. The Oscar 2 also includes motion-tolerant technology to help eliminate ambulation and noise artifacts that can cause failed readings and the need for repeated studies. In addition, sub-diastolic waveform measurement delivers a fully-featured physiological waveform with accurate augmentation index.

The ABPM monitor is also designed to be used with proprietary AccuWin Pro 4 software that allows data to be directly exported to a computer database for efficient programming, measurement analysis, and physician interpretation and report. The Oscar 2 was developed as part of a multi-year alliance between SunTech Medical (Morrisville, NC, USA) and AtCor Medical (West Ryde, Australia), and has received the European Community CE marking of approval.

Central arterial blood pressure is the pressure in the aorta, thus representing the pressure that the heart has to pump against to get blood to flow to the rest of the body, including the blood vessels feeding the brain. It has been shown to more strongly relate to vascular disease and outcome—such as stroke and aneurysm—than traditional upper arm (brachial) blood pressure. It also can distinguish between the effects of different hypertension medications when upper arm blood pressure and pulse wave velocity do not.

Related Links:

SunTech Medical
AtCor Medical

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