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Single Automated Analyzer to Bring Full Suite of Diagnostics to Wherever Patients Are

By HospiMedica International staff writers
Posted on 04 May 2023
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Image: The single automated device can run hematology, clinical chemistry, and immunoassays subsystems in parallel (Photo courtesy of Freepik)
Image: The single automated device can run hematology, clinical chemistry, and immunoassays subsystems in parallel (Photo courtesy of Freepik)

Timely and accurate diagnostics can enhance patient care by making it more informed, personalized, and proactive. Now, a novel platform that delivers swift results using minimal blood volumes incorporates technology that facilitates automation and adaptable form factors outside centralized labs, bridging the gap between diagnostics and treatment.

Vital Biosciences Inc. (Mississauga, ON, Canada) is developing a single automated device designed to provide a comprehensive range of diagnostics directly to patients. The company's technology strives to make healthcare significantly more personalized, proactive, and accessible. With only 600 uL of blood, the platform can measure 50+ of the most commonly requested biomarkers in primary care within 20 minutes, without compromising analytical performance. The instrument employs an automated microfluidic workflow to simultaneously run three subsystems: hematology, clinical chemistry, and immunoassays. The platform quantifies the complete panel of biomarkers using on-board optical readers and automated sample preparation and measurement procedures that require minimal user input. This makes the platform suitable for use in CLIA-waived settings.

Vital's initial menu caters to a broad range of potential use cases for the general population, including inflammation, cardiac markers, diabetes, liver disorders, lipid disorders, post-acute event monitoring, clinical trial monitoring, chronic disease management, and proactive lifestyle management. The company aims to create a comprehensive menu that covers 100% of the tests needed for at least 90% of patients, thereby eliminating the need to send tests to a centralized lab. Patients would no longer need to travel to a draw site or ship their samples to a centralized laboratory, nor wait for days to discuss their results with their healthcare provider. Patients who are likely to require bloodwork can provide their sample at check-in and receive results during their initial appointment. Bridging this care gap will make diagnostics more accessible and accelerate clinical decision-making.

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Vital Biosciences Inc. 

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