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Imaging Business of Agfa Renamed "HealthCare”

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 21 Oct 2001
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The medical imaging business of Agfa-Gevaert N.V. (Mortsel, Belgium) has been renamed "HealthCare.” Agfa says the new name reflects the company's move into new markets with a wider business scope, which is part of an ongoing, aggressive growth strategy to move beyond pure radiographic imaing.

Steps already made in this direction include new technologies for the cardiology market introduced last year, the acquisition of Quadrat and Talk Technology, the planned acquisition of Mitra, and the minority interest in MediVision. Success in these new markets will contribute to significant business growth, which Agfa says will be further fueled by an enhanced focus inside the organization on efficiency, effectiveness, and future acquisitions.

The benefits to Agfa's customers will be twofold. "First, they'll benefit from our enhanced customer focus, which is an important part of the internal restructuring that underlies our plan,” said John Glass, general manager, medical imaging. "Second, they will be dealing with a larger and more influential healthcare company with enhanced capabilities and products.”

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