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Medison to Launch Two New Advanced Ultrasound Systems

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 17 Feb 2003
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On the threshold of introducing two new ultrasound systems in 2003, Medison Co., Ltd. (Seoul, Korea) has announced the specifications for these systems, including the new technology and other advanced features that will be incorporated in them.

The Accuvix QV, which stands for "Accurate Vision, Accurate Diagnosis,” is being heralded by Medison as the most technologically advanced ultrasound system the company has ever built. The system, now undergoing final testing, features 1024 channel digital beam-forming technology and frequency compound imaging, providing superior spatial and contrast resolution.

The system also features Live 3D imaging (also known as 4D technology) to show moving organs in real-time. Use is enhanced by an intuitive control layout and easy access to operating menus. The system features the world's first 3D mouse controller, says Medison. This enables the user to freely control and manipulate scanned images in real-time.

The SonoAce Pico is an all-new color digital portable ultrasound system, designed for doctors practicing in obstetrics/gynecology, internal medicine, or radiology. About the size of a regular business briefcase, the system delivers images that are on par with those obtained from higher-class systems. The SonoAce Pico features digital beam-forming and harmonic imaging technologies, and includes spectral and color Doppler. Maintenance and upgrades can all be performed through remote service by an Internet connection. A wide selection of probes are offered. "The introduction of these advanced systems will further enhance Medison's reputation as a technology leader around the world”, said M.T. Kwon, director of Medison's International Division.

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