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Hologic and Agfa Finalize Development/Purchase Agreement

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 24 Mar 2003
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Following a joint development and OEM (original equipment manufacturer) purchase agreement in April 2002, Hologic, Inc. (Beford, MA, USA) and Agfa-Gevaert Group (Mortsel, Belgium) have now announced the final terms of that agreement.

Under these terms, Hologic will manufacture for Agfa, under the private label "Embrace,” a digital mammography system for distribution to specific international markets. The system will utilize Hologic's patented direct-to-digital amorphous selenium technology, which will be combined with Agfa's portfolio of image and information management systems. A leading imaging company, Agfa is active in 40 countries and has 120 agents throughout the world.

"Finalizing this agreement with Agfa-Gevaert moves us one step closer to making our direct capture digital mammography technology widely available on a global basis to healthcare providers and the women they serve,” said Jack Cummings, chairman and CEO of Hologic. The company's core business units are focused on osteoporosis assessment, mammography and breast biopsy, direct-to-digital x-ray for general radiography, and mini C-arm for orthopedic applications.

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