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Portable Electronic Medical Record

By HospiMedica staff writers
Posted on 25 Jul 2005
A partnership to develop and market a new portable electronic medical record has been announced by MedicAlert (Turlock, CA, USA) and CapMed (Newtown, PA, USA).

The MedicAlert E-HealthKEY will allow individuals to carry their complete electronic health record with them at all times. The device can store information on medical conditions, medications, allergies, emergency contacts, and insurance. Vital documents such as electrocardiograms (ECGs), images from medical imaging, and immunization records can be stored as attachments. Users can use the device to track and graph their blood glucose levels, weight, and blood pressure as well as to monitor their fitness goals. They can easily access website links with content relating to specific diseases and medical conditions. Notification alerts can remind users of a specific action to be taken.

Any data stored in the E-HealthKEY can be uploaded to the secure MedicAlert respository. Updates to patient records can also be made directly through the secure MedicAlert website, and then these changes can be downloaded to the E-HealthKEY.

MedicAlert is a nonprofit healthcare informatics organization dedicated to providing services to members that protect and save lives. These services are built around a repository of health information that enables members to manager their personal health records while maintaining security, privacy, and confidentiality.

"MedicAlert maintains one of the well-known repositories of patient records, coupled with a well-deserved brand of trust and security for patients and providers alike,” noted Wendy Angst, general manager of CapMed. "The E-HealthKEY is an ideal application to extend this value for members and providers by enabling a patient's medical record to be available on the member's key chain, assessable through the ubiquitous USB drive of any computer.”

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